Festival of Voices

    Your wellbeing at the Festival

    Let’s talk about your wellbeing at Festival of Voices.

    What will Festival of Voices 2024 look like?

    Festival of Voices 2024 will run from 28 June to 7 July. We will be bringing back festival favourites and presenting a series of individual performances and workshops, in line with current guidelines from Live Performance Australia (LPA) and the TAS Health Department.

    What measures will Festival of Voices take to adhere to the restrictions and regulations and ensure my safety?

    Festival of Voices is committed to bringing people together again in 2024 in a safe and responsible way. We are committed to your wellbeing and COVID-19 compliance measures.

    We are working closely with Live Performance Australia (LPA) and the TAS Public Health Department, and will implement various measures, including but not limited to:

    • Unwell patrons, staff, volunteers and performers are asked not to attend festival events.
    • Sanitiser stations available at all festival venues.
    • Contactless payment, we are running a completely cashless festival.
    • Limited free medical face masks available at each event venue.

    Due to the ever-changing situation, some restrictions may be forced upon us at the last minute, including seating arrangements, capacities, time changes, artist changes, limitations to queues, mandatory mask wearing, and so on. Any updates will be announced on our website, social media platforms and of course via email to all affected ticket buyers.

    What will happen to my tickets if the 2024 festival is canceled as per government order?

    As we did for ticket buyers for the 2022 festival, should we have to cancel an event all affected ticket buyers are entitled to a full refund. Festival of Voices adheres to the Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice. 

    What will happen if international or interstate artists can’t come due to travel restrictions?

    If an international or interstate artist can’t come to Tasmania due to travel restrictions, we will provide a suitable replacement. Should an event be fully cancelled due to the artist being unable travel, those who already booked a ticket will be contacted to organise an exchange, voucher or refund.

    What should I do if I feel unwell on the day of the event I bought tickets for?

    If you are feeling unwell or displaying any of the Covid-19 symptoms, including a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath, stay at home.

    If you can’t attend the event you booked for, we kindly ask you to contact us on 03 6224 5975 or [email protected] at least 2 hours before the event so we can look into a possible solution for you. For events that are free, but ticketed due to limited capacities we also kindly ask you to advise us if you are no longer able to attend, so we can give your spot to someone that otherwise might miss out. Anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms will be asked to leave any event and we do reserve the right to refuse entry on this basis.

    It’s everyone’s job to protect your wellbeing and COVID-19 measures will ensure that we are all safe.

    Am I not better off waiting to buy tickets until closer to the date? 

    We are working with stricter capacities in some venues to ensure physical distancing regulations can be adhered to. Therefore, you might miss out on specific events if you wait too long to order your tickets. 

    Have questions?

    Please don’t hesitate to contact Festival of Voices in [email protected] if you have any questions regaining the COVID-19 safety of our Festival and events. We are working hard to ensure that all our patrons, performers, staff and volunteers get to enjoy power of song once more, and to return home safe to their families afterwards. Your safety is our top priority.