Festival of Voices

    Tasmanian Choir Package

    An opportunity for your choir to perform in many special Tasmanian locations

    Choirs from around Tasmania are invited to join in a variety of singing experiences during the 2025 Festival of Voices.   

    The festival provides opportunities to perform in a range of indoor and outdoor venues, from museums to markets and libraries to leading hotels. The Tasmanian Choir Package is designed for community choir members to enjoy a range of experiences that remain at the heart of the Festival.  

    What's included?


    In 2025 the Tasmanian Choir Package includes the following experiences: 

    Pop-up Program    

    Surprise and delight audiences across the state in a variety of public spaces. Choirs will enjoy performing for guests and passers-by in a creatively curated program. 

    The Singers’ Lounge   

    Often described as the heart and soul of Festival of Voices, we think it’s our best-kept secret!  Friends – old and new – revel in the glory of scheduled and impromptu performances (sometimes until the wee hours). Audiences are treated to spontaneous song by some of our big-name performers, who in turn have been known to encourage anxious altos and timid tenors to overcome any performing fears to bask in the safe and welcoming arms of our audience. It’s always bustling – the ultimate singers love-in!   As well as performing with your choir, the Tasmanian Choir Package grants you free entry to the Singers’ Lounge (subject to capacity).  

    Tasmanian Choir Workshops – Hobart and Launceston 

    Launceston | Monday 30 June | 5:30 – 7:00pm | St Lukes Launceston

    Hobart | Tuesday 1 July | 5:30 – 7:00pm | Long Gallery, Salamanca Arts Centre 

    Following the positive response to our 2024 Tasmanian Choir Workshop, we are delighted to welcome back Australian choral legend and festival friend, Paul Jarman, to lead the 2025 workshops in both Hobart and Launceston. Come along for an enjoyable experience as we sing through some rounds and explore songs from around the world in a relaxed, no preparation required, environment. This workshop is a great chance to learn from Paul and to meet and sing with your fellow Tasmanian choristers. 

    Key dates


    30 April 2025– Tasmanian Choir Registrations (one per choir group) close  

    13 June 2025 – Individual Tasmanian Choir Package registrations close 

    30 June 2025 – Tasmanian Choir Workshop – Launceston

    1 July 2025 – Tasmanian Choir Workshop – Hobart

    Individual chorister registration process


    Are you already enrolled in a major workshop (i.e. the Choral Classical: Verdi’s Requiem, Music Theatre Choir, Chamber Choir or Songwriting)? If you answered YES, do not register again – your Tasmanian Choir Package is included in your workshop fee! Additionally, conductors and accompanists do not need to pay the Tasmanian choir registration fee. 

    Otherwise, click on the ‘Purchase – individual choristers’ button to register and pay for your individual choir package. Individual registrations are open until 13 June 2025. 

    You will receive a confirmation email after checkout. You need to complete the singers’ details form for all singers who were included in your transaction. 

    Please also ensure that your musical director, choir leader, or representative completes the Tasmanian Choir registration (via the ‘Choir group registration’ button) form for the group before 30 April 2025. 

    Choir registration process - for choir leaders


    All choirs that want to participate in the Festival need to complete a choir group registration form. This form should be submitted once per choir, by the musical director, choir leader, or another representative, via the ‘Choir group registration’ button at the top right of this web page. 

    Based on the information provided, we will work with you to create a schedule for your choir that accommodates any workshops, rehearsals, and performances.    

    Choir group submissions are due by 30 April 2025.    

    Please contact Aaron Powell, Tasmanian Choir Package coordinator, for any enquiries at [email protected].


    Who should register?

    All choirs and vocal ensembles of any experience-level and genre are welcome to participate. 

    Event Details

    Tasmanian Choir Package
    Fri 27 June - Sun 6 July
    $35 per singer

    $35 per singer

    Booking fee

    • For bookings with a total value of $20 or less, a booking fee of $3 will be added upon check-out.
    • For bookings with a total value between $20.01 and $199.99, a booking fee of $5 will be added upon check-out.
    • For bookings with a total value of $200 or more, a booking fee of $10 will be added upon check-out.
    Conditions of Sale
    • Read the full conditions of sale.
    • Festival of Voices adheres to the Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice.
    • All tickets are non-refundable unless otherwise specified on the specific event page.
    Festival FAQs

    Read Festival of Voices’ frequently asked questions.

    Contact Us

    For assistance please contact us on 03 6224 5975 or at [email protected].

    We also have this helpful form.